Township Trail System
In 1986, the Middletown Township Council initiated Project 300, an ambitious open space preservation program named in recognition of the Township's Tricentennial observance that year. Preservation of significant portions of the remaining open space in Middletown was felt to be a key element in helping to retain and protect the present character and quality of life of our community.
With the overwhelming support of Township residents, the Township was able to proceed with the acquisition of 157 acres of property from the Linvill Family on the north side of West Knowlton Road and 170 acres of property from the Jesse and Martha Darlington Estate heirs located along both sides of Darlington Road adjacent to the Chester Creek. Together with the acquisition by the Township of the former Indian Orchard Girl Scout Camp property in 1981, these lands, along with subsequent additions, now help comprise one of the largest municipally-owned open space systems in the Greater Philadelphia area.
The creation by the Township of hiking and horseback riding trails on these tracts and on privately-held open space along Rocky Run in cooperation with many volunteers now provides residents with the means to visit and enjoy the scenic beauty of each of these areas. Using our current trails as a foundation, the Township's long-range objective is to create a larger trail network along both the Ridley and Chester Creeks, interconnecting these and other significant open space tracts to provide an even greater opportunity for residents to enjoy the natural beauty and diversity of our community.