Public Works

Employees of the Public Works Department maintain over 54 miles of two-lane

Township roadways in addition to 450 acres of Township-owned open space and parkland.

Specifically, the Public Works crew are typically called upon to:                                               

  • Repair road surfaces
  • Install and maintain regulatory and street signs
  • Maintain over 800 storm sewer inlets and 20 miles of storm sewers
  • Provide for snow removal and downed tree clearing
  • Provide park maintenance by mowing, removing trash, trailblazing, and installing playground equipment
  • Maintain a fleet of 10 trucks
  • Provide Township leaf collection

Normal Hours of Operation 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM Weekdays

During Off Hours (After 4:00 PM weekdays) the staff can be contacted through the PA State Police or Delaware County Fire Board.

State Police Phone Number: 484-840-1000
Delaware County Fire Board: 610-892-8404
If you have an emergency, dial 911!